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Christmas Eve Service

December 24 at 5:00PM

Join us for an informal candlelight Christmas Eve service at 5:00PM in Room 100 followed by a holiday cookie social.



Mark your calendar!



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Visit to Kittamaqundi Community Church - December 4

You're invited to join us for a visit to Kittamaqundi Community Church (KC) at 10:00AM on December 4, 2022. KC is a candidate congregation for a possible group migration from CUCC. You can attend in person or by Zoom.

SERRV Sale - December 4

Round out your holiday shopping by stopping by the SERRV Sale to find the perfect gift among the items made by artisans from around the world. OMI Atrium on December 4 from 9:00AM-1:00PM. Checks and cash only, please.

Vespers and Sandwich Making - December 11

Join us for an informal service of meditation and sandwich making for Grassroots on Sunday, December 11 from 3:00-5:00pm in Room 100 at OMI.


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Announces Its Closure

With much sadness but immense gratitude for our years together, members and friends of Columbia United Christian Church have closed the doors to our church home and the congregation will disband at the end of 2022. After 52 years of ministry and service to the community as a founding congregation of the Oakland Mills Interfaith Center and in partnership with the Church of the Brethren, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and the United Church of Christ, we at CUCC held our final Sunday worship service on November 20, 2022.

After a moving service that paid tribute to the past and helped prepare us for the future, we enjoyed visiting with many current and former CUCCers at our traditional Thanksgiving potluck brunch. During a Time of Celebration, we paid homage to the many wonderful people who have made CUCC a warm and welcoming church community over the years and who have partnered with us in our ministry at OMI.

A recording of the November 20 service can be found on Facebook here.

Although we grieve the loss of CUCC as a congregation, we choose to honor and celebrate our collective efforts to embrace diversity, promote peace, and shape a just future for all. And we celebrate our support of each other in that shared mission. As we disperse, we look forward to continuing the work of Jesus in new ways and with new partners. Strengthened by the presence of God's love that we've found in CUCC's faith community, we go forth to continue sowing the seeds of hope through good works.

We will continue to share fellowship through our private Facebook group. Click here to join.

CUCC will hold an informal candlelight Christmas Eve service at 5:00 pm on Saturday, December 24 in Room 100 and by Zoom. We hope you can join us!

If you would like to contact us, please click on the button below or send us a message via Facebook.

As part of our mission to promote inclusivity and support diverse communities, we encourage you to explore these valuable resources for LGBTQ+ individuals looking for connections and support:

We wish you and your loved ones all the blessings, joy, and promise of the Christmas season and a very Happy New Year!